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Cooperative Education Fund Awards Grants to 19 Cooperative Organizations


A cartoon version of Collective Courage, a homecare cooperative member orientation program, and support for cooperative academies and education events were among the grants made by the Cooperative Development Foundation’s Cooperative Education Fund. The fund awarded $50,000 in grants to nineteen cooperatives in June. 

Urban Homesteading Assistance (UHAB) Inc, in New York, NY, received a grant to support the Sixth Principle Coalition (6PC) program. The program supports limited equity housing cooperatives (LECs) around the country through research and education. 

“LECs serve low-income households, providing affordable homeownership opportunities most often in communities of color” explained Raina Dalloul, Director of Fundraising and Communication at UHAB. “Support from the Cooperative Education Fund will help 6PC address significant components of its need for capacity, growth, and adequate resources to respond to the numerous requests for information and calls for presentations.”

Other grants for the development of cooperative education materials include: 

  • Build and Recruit Worker Co-op Development Manual, California Center for Cooperative Development, Davis, CA

  • Wisdom of the Room: Toolkit for Facilitating Study Groups on Cooperatives, Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance, Philadelphia, PA; 

  • Collective Courage: Stories of Black Co-ops– Comic Book, Ecological Democracy Institute of North America, Riverdale, MD; 

  • Latinx Co-op 2019: Map & List, University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, Madison, WI

  • Membership Orientation Handbook, Cooperative Care, Wautoma, WI 

Education Fund grants included support for several cooperative education activities targeted at resident owned communities (ROCs), such as the Cascade Resident Owned Community Conference (CROCC), an annual regional cooperative networking and professional development event serving Oregon and Washington organized by the Northwest Cooperative Development Center.

 “This year (CROCC) will be offering dual tracks of English and Spanish workshops that cover: cooperative financial management, member engagement strategies, bridging the digital divide, board roles and responsibilities training, meeting facilitation, and a deep dive into organizational documents such as policies, bylaws, and cooperative agreements,” said Daniel Arrañaga, Cooperative Development Specialist for Northwest Cooperative Development Center, Olympia WA.

Other ROC related grants include: 

  • 2019 Montana ROC Summit, Montana HomeOwnership Network Inc, Great Falls, MT

  • ROC Leadership Institute, ROC USA,Concord, NH

  • Cooperative Training for Resident Owned Communities, New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, Concord, NH

Grants also went to support cooperative academies and educational events.  Detroit Community Wealth Fund (DCWF), Detroit, MI, will utilize the grant to support a 10-week in-house co-op academy.

Margo Dalal, Executive Director of DCWF explained, “Our goal for this co-op academy is to support groups who are in the start-up phases to develop their business planning, learn about the history of cooperatives, how cooperatives are managed, and to deepen their business planning.” She continued, explaining that these co-ops “complete the program having built out their businesses, and having established relationships with other groups working to build cooperatives in Detroit.”

Other grants to support academies and events include: 

  • North Star Black Cooperative Fellowship, Nexus Community Partners, Minneapolis, MN.

  • Cooperative Leadership Institute, Cooperative Economics Alliance of NYC, New York City, NY

  • College Conference on Cooperatives, National Farmers Union Foundation, Washington, DC

  • Equitable Pioneers Co-op Weekend, Circle Pines Center, Delton, MI

  • Employee Ownership Conference, Southeast Center for Cooperative Development, Nashville, TN

  • Cooperative Leaders and Scholars Institute, Cooperative Development Foundation, Washington, DC.

  • Art and Science of Cooperative Development, CooperationWorks, La Mesa, CA

  • Co-op Academy Video Modules, Worcester Roots, Worcester, MA

All applications to the Cooperative Education Fund are reviewed by a grants committee. The committee’s grant recommendations are considered by the CDF board for approval. The Fund supports cooperative research, sponsors cooperative education events and scholarships, and develops cooperative education materials and programs. Submissions for the Fall grant cycle are now being accepted.

To submit, visit before October 1, 2019


About the Cooperative Development Foundation

The Cooperative Development Foundation promotes community economic and social development through cooperatives. CDF is a thought leader in the use of cooperatives to create resilient communities, including the housing and care needs of seniors. Through its funds, fiscal sponsorships, and fundraising, CDF provides grants and loans that foster cooperative development domestically and abroad. CDF's Cooperative Hall of Fame recognizes the accomplishments of outstanding cooperative leaders at the National Press Club in Washington, DC each year. (

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