2019 CDF Annual Report recaps accomplishments
With nearly $1,200,000 in grantmaking and spending on programmatic work, an updated website, successful events, and increased partnerships and outreach, CDF continued to grow in its impact and relevance to the cooperative community in 2019.
The 2019 CDF Annual Report highlights the organization's continued growth in reputation and financial resources as it works to grow member-owned and controlled cooperatives, develop authentic local leaders and strengthen communities. The report recaps CDF's impact in 2019 and looks back at CDF's first 75 years.
"In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to think only of our changed circumstances and uncertain future and forget what we’ve accomplished....What is striking is how the groundwork CDF laid over its first 75 years has set us in good stead for the challenges that face us today, " wrote CDF Board Chair Rich Larochelle in the annual report.