Howard Bowers Fund "Socks" it to Fundraising

Be the first on your block to wear Twin Pines socks!
August is the kick-off of the Howard Bowers Fund for Food Cooperatives Fall Fundraising drive. Through scholarships, education, and training grants, the Bowers Fund helps food co-ops grow, flourish, and continue to impact the communities they serve. As an incentive to donate, the Cooperative Development Foundation is offering Twin Pines socks, exclusively created in recognition of CDF's 75th Anniversary.
Individual donors of $100 or more will receive one pair of Twin Pines dress socks. Cooperatives donating a $1000 or more will receive dress socks for their board of directors.
Thanks to generous donations from the cooperative community, in 2018 the Bowers Fund granted nearly $35,000 to support board and staff education and training and provided 25 scholarships to the CCMA Conference. Since its inception, the Fund provided over $500,000 in grants to food co-ops, and invested in 41 start-up food co-ops.
Requests for grant support far outstrip the Fund's resources. In 2018, the Bowers Fund could only fund 25 percent of requests. Help the Fund extend its impact by donating today. The fundraising drive runs through October 2019.
To make a donation to the Howard Bowers Fund for Food Co-ops, visit