Cooperating to Enhance Native American Food Economies - Resource Spotlight
The Cooperating to Enhance Native Food Economies Webinar will consider the role of cooperatives in harnessing Indian Country’s economic and nutritional potential. On Monday, August 2 to Thursday, August 5, 12:00 to 2:30 pm Eastern, the webinar will feature USDA officials, cooperative leaders, academics and economic developers. Be ready for the conversation by reviewing the following materials:
Reimagining Native Food Economies: A Vision for Native Food and Agriculture Infrastructure Rebuilding and Recovery
Native American Agriculture Fund, 2020
The Native American food and agriculture sector is an underappreciated resource for sustainable, rural economic development. This report provides a framework designed to enhance Indian Country's economic and nutritional potential.
Beginning the Cooperative Journey Together: A Guide to Indigenous Community Cooperative Development
Minnesota Indigenous Business Alliance and Cooperative Development Services, 2020
This guide is intended to support collective and cooperative approaches to development within Indigenous communities.
Your Way, Together: Starting an Indigenous Co-operative
Co-operatives First, 2020
Co-operatives First promotes and supports the development of cooperatives in rural and Indigenous communities across western Canada.