CDF Establishes Fund For Victims Of The Spring Storms Of 2011
Washington, DC (May 24, 2011) — Citing the need to help the long-term recovery of individuals and cooperative businesses, the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) announces its launch of the Spring Storms of 2011 Cooperative Recovery Fund.
“Regions throughout the continental United States have been hit by a devastating series of storms, tornadoes, floods and wildfires. We’ve all been horrified by the scenes from Tuscaloosa and Joplin, and we’ve watched in disbelief as massive flooding has inundated both urban and rural areas throughout the Mississippi River Basin,” said CDF Executive Director, Liz Bailey. “The death and destruction that has occurred is beyond belief and the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) applauds the resiliency of the people affected and the extraordinary work being done by government response teams and disaster relief agencies. We encourage your support for relief efforts that are providing invaluable support for storm, flood and wildfire victims, but we also ask you to consider a donation to this Fund which is focused on long term recovery.”
Cooperatives have been an important building block in bringing economic development to many parts of this multi-state area. Cooperatives have raised incomes and provided affordable services — providing agricultural production infrastructure, housing, access to credit and rural utility services, and access to markets for crops. In many areas, much of this infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, leaving cooperatives and their members with few tools to rebuild and help themselves recover from these disasters.
“The establishment of this Fund is all about co-ops helping co-ops,” said Bailey. “Our focus is on what will be necessary for recovery once disaster relief has met most immediate needs. With your help, we can help to rebuild cooperative businesses and we’re also committed to getting new cooperative development as part of the long term recovery – helping more people experience the benefits that cooperatives can bring to their lives.”
CDF will partner on this fund drive with its colleagues in the cooperative community, both nationally and in the regions affected to assure the maximum possible impact. CDF will take no administrative fee for funds raised to assure that 100% of the funds donated reach the people and organizations that need help. A prime point of contact for CDF in the South will be the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund which will help to identify the needs of farmers and farm cooperatives and help CDF coordinate this effort with the wider cooperative community in that area. In the Mississippi River Basin and other parts of the country, CDF will rely on similar players in the cooperative community who “know the territory” and can help CDF identify members of the cooperative community with the greatest needs.
Donations to the Spring Storms of 2011 Cooperative Recovery Fund can be made online by going to the CDF website (http://www.cdf.coop/the-spring-storms-of-2011-co-op-recovery-fund/) Donations by check should be made out to CDF-Spring Storms of 2011 Fund and mailed to the Cooperative Development Foundation at 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22202. CDF also continues to accept donations for its Tsunami Cooperative Recovery Fund and information on that Fund is available at the CDF website as well.