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CDF Development Fund offers grants for urban home care co-ops


Home care cooperatives in urban areas can now apply for grants to support training and technical assistance thanks to support from the CDF Development Fund. The grant program is intended to provide support to cooperatives ineligible for help through CDF's USDA Rural Cooperative Development and Socially Disadvantaged Groups Grants. The development and growth of worker-owned home care cooperatives is the focus of the CDF supported National Home Care Cooperative Initiative.

Grants in the amount of $1,000 to $5000 may be used for technical assistance and training. Cooperatives may apply for the grant online. Applications will be reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis. The program will end when designated funds are expended.

"For worker-ownership to have an impact on the quality of jobs and care in the home care field, it is vital that both urban and rural areas have healthy cooperatives and that home care cooperatives exist at a scale where they can support secondary cooperatives that provide training, backroom, and marketing services," said Leslie Mead, Executive Director, CDF.

The Development Fund supports cooperative development, research, and technical assistance with particular emphasis on cooperatives serving the needs of seniors, providing affordable housing, and building resilience in the developing world

About the National Home Care Cooperative Initiative

To expand the reach and resources of the Development Fund's home care development work, CDF coordinates the Home Care Cooperative Initiative, a network of home care cooperatives, technical assistance providers, funders, and policy makers.

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