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CDF is seeking a new Executive Director


The Cooperative Development Foundation is hiring a new Executive Director. The ideal candidate is a “Professor Gadget” of fundraising, grant making, program management, governance, finance and grant seeking with a deep understanding of cooperatives and the U.S. cooperative eco-system. The job description is posted on the NCBA CLUSA Career Center.

CDF is a small organization with a big impact promoting self-help and mutual aid in community, economic and social development through cooperative enterprise. The Washington, DC-based organization works closely with the staff of the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International on domestic cooperative development and thought leadership. CDF has a current staff of two and a half full time employees including the executive director. The current executive director will retire at the end of 2021.

Through its funds, fiscal sponsorships and fundraising, CDF makes grants and loans that foster cooperative development domestically and abroad including recovery grants to cooperatives impacted by disaster, scholarships to train local cooperative leaders, and funding for research and education to advance the understanding of cooperatives. A thought leader, the foundation promotes the use of cooperatives to create resilient communities.

The Foundation’s programmatic work includes the development and growth of worker-owned home care cooperatives and strengthening the role of cooperatives in advancing power-building, and social and economic equity among low-income communities and communities of color. CDF hosts the annual Cooperative Hall of Fame, an event that exists to recognize the accomplishments of outstanding cooperative leaders. CDF also hosts the Co-op 5k, an event that brings together cooperators from all cooperative sectors.

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